Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM EST

Sat - Sun: Closed


Areas of Expertise

Public Schools &
School Districts

Colleges and

Daycares & Summer

Private & Religious

Other Child & Youth
Oriented Organizations

While school negligence and liability issues are common, they are also highly preventable. School Liability Expert Group has the experience to assist in school liability and education litigation. Still, it can also review your matter involving school, daycare, university, or other similar agency liability and provide recommendations to improve your program’s overall quality and compliance. Our areas of expertise generally include school and agency personnel matters, accidents and child injury, sexual abuse and harassment, special education programs, and school evaluation in custody matters.

Every team member has very diversified experience in the field. Having done a little of everything, we can tackle school negligence and liability issues in several niche categories.

Compliant school management requires a thorough understanding of laws relating to sexual harassment, student supervision, special education, student rights, public and private school employment, and more. Enlist the help of education expert witness services from the School Liability Expert Group to conduct a review of your educational program. We will provide recommendations and offer solutions to any discovered issues in order to prevent litigation and ensure a smooth operation.

Child Custody & School Review

Education Expert

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When a bullied student is injured, experiences emotional distress, or engages in self-harm or suicide, it is typical for litigation requiring an education expert witness to be brought against the school. In these cases, the plaintiff’s we represent must prove there was a duty by the school to prevent the bullying, and the school failed in that duty. Conversely, the defendants we represent must show they are not at fault. School Liability Expert Group can review the alleged interactions to provide an education expert witness to reveal whether the alleged actions were, or were not, bullying and whether these actions should be dealt with, or should not be, under the student code of conduct.


Personal Injury

All schools and universities have a duty to keep students reasonably safe during school, on school transportation, or while residing on campus. School Liability Expert Group understands what that duty and standard of care entails and can provide education expert witness school services for these types of cases. Moreover, we can advise on established and foreseeable risks of harm to students. These safety and security standards stem from federal and state laws and research-based best practices. Whether you need assistance instituting prevention standards or help with litigation related to personal injury, our team of school liability expert witnesses can provide the necessary guidance

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School Management

Title IX

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam cursus cursus eros. Duis tincidunt arcu ligula, ut venenatis quam aliquet eu. Integer a nisl mattis, blandit ex ut, auctor velit. Curabitur rutrum interdum erat, non venenatis diam malesuada at. Integer sollicitudin ut enim id tempus. Maecenas sagittis tortor non quam imperdiet, vel convallis nulla commodo. Ut eget odio ligula. Etiam convallis ultricies velit, eu maximus eros ultrices sed. Donec sed nibh malesuada nisl accumsan iaculis ac id.

Education Expert Witness Services

School Liability Expert Group provides expert witness services for diverse range of cases and liability issues. When it comes to education litigation, often it is necessary to hire an expert witness to speak on the matter at hand. For example, in the case of bullying, the plaintiff must prove that the alleged actions were indeed bullying rather than just student conflict, that the school had a duty to prevent the bullying in the first place, and that the school failed in that duty. One of our experts could examine the school negligence and liability issues concerning the alleged bullying for the plaintiff or the defense attorney during the school liability litigation. An expert witness for the plaintiff or defendant would call upon our expertise in bullying as opposed to student conflict, as well as explain the professional standard of care in school environments that suggests a duty to prevent bullying.

If no bullying occurred or the school did everything possible to stop it, one of our expert witnesses could still assist in the education litigation. Generally, there are no school negligence and liability issues when the problem is merely a conflict among students, such as an argument regarding one’s favorite football player. Conflict does not create a hostile school environment for the alleged victim although it still may require proper action and interventions by the school or agency to ensure that conflict does not turn into bullying or other forms of unlawful harassment. Repeated instances of demeaning behavior– especially when the actions target a member of a protected class, such as gender, sexual orientation, race, disability, or religion– do foster a hostile learning environment and can result in discrimination. During school liability litigation, an education expert witness could speak to whether the alleged actions rose to the level of school bullying or otherwise harassing or discriminatory conduct. Additionally, one of our witnesses could attest to whether or not the school met the professional standard of care before the school negligence and liability issues that are up for debate in education litigation.

Education Management Consulting Services

School Liability Expert Group can advise schools, other educational institutions, child supervision agencies, plaintiff and defense attorneys, and parents on many education-related matters. We provide highly individualized, reliable, and prompt service with every consultation and service in the entire United States. Our experts are constantly gaining more experience– as a firm, we provide in-house training and send our team to outside conferences for additional training to prepare for school liability litigation and education consulting. Moreover, being a more prominent firm also allows us to assist in larger cases of school negligence and liability issues that require review and analysis of large volumes of documents and reports to be completed quickly. Our outputs speak to how thorough we are; we welcome you to explore our testimonials to see the great things our past clients have to say about us, from education litigation to school management consulting.

Our consulting services are not limited to attorneys and educational institutions. We work directly with parents, in many instances, examining their child’s student records at their request to assess their potential school placement. We can also review program quality for your child’s school or school they are considering attending in the future. This includes checking for any past or present school negligence and liability issues. Additionally, if your child may require certain special education programs, we can assess the options and determine if they are up to the professional standard of care. Or, if you believe your child to be the victim of bullying, sexual harassment, school injury, or anything else a school could be held liable for, we can analyze the situation and provide recommendations on how to proceed. We can discuss the potential solutions, from meeting with the school administration to initiating school liability litigation.

Our Specialties

At School Liability Expert Group, we pride ourselves on a vast array of experience across various school, university, religious and other child and youth oriented agency settings that face school negligence and liability issues. Our expertise includes child custody and school review, child/student supervision, child abuse, sexual abuse, harassment and bullying, sexual harassment, personal injury, school management, school transportation injury, special education, student rights, Title IX, and wrongful death. Within these categories, we can assist with education litigation by providing expert reports and testimony or simply stepping in as an expert consultant. Furthermore, we can offer consultation services for parents, schools, and other organizations.

The best solution to costly school liability litigation is avoiding it in the first place, and our expert team can make recommendations based on our experience to ensure your organization meets the professional standard of care on school negligence and liability issues. Conducting thorough, repeated training for your school staff is essential to maintaining compliance. School Liability Expert Group can provide training and presentations on school accidents, sexual harassment, bullying, student violence, student supervision and safety, special education, school administration and management, student rights, and preventing student injury.

Contact Us Today

If you need expert assistance on an education-related matter, book a call with the School Liability Expert Group. During your free consultation, we will be able to discuss your situation and assess how we can best help you with school negligence and liability issues.