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Expert Witness Services for School and Education Litigation

A gavel in a courtroom

Often, during education-related litigation, a school litigation expert witness is needed to assess the situation, such as whether the school met the professional standard of care before the alleged incident. School Liability Expert Group is an expert witness firm specializing in education, such as campus safety and security and school sexual harassment. Our school safety experts have experience providing reports and testimony for litigation, as well as experience consulting and reviewing school programs for quality and compliance assurance. Our expertise and training position us as trustworthy, reliable experts in litigation cases. With overwhelmingly positive testimonials from past clients, we work hard to provide prompt, thorough reports and recommendations. Book a free consultation with the School Liability Expert Group for a dependable school litigation expert witness.

Witness Services Areas of Expertise

Our general areas of expertise include school and agency personnel matters, student and child injury related to dangerous premises or negligent supervision, sexual harassment and Title IX discrimination claims, special education and due process, negligent hiring and supervision of school and agency employees, and child custody and school review matters. Our team can provide an expert witness to plaintiff or defense attorneys and offer consulting services to schools and parents on many education-related matters.

Child/Student Supervision

Any educational institution or organization tasked with child supervision must meet a professional standard of care to avoid liability when accidents or injuries occur. A school litigation expert witness firm can assess whether that standard of care was met and determine if the school breached its duty to provide adequate child or student supervision. Nowadays, child and student supervision must include preventative measures for school shootings and maintaining a safe campus. A school safety expert from the School Liability Expert Group can speak to whether an organization met campus safety and security standards during litigation.

Schools, universities, and other child or youth oriented agencies must keep students reasonably safe when participating in their programs and services. This responsibility stretches to maintaining a safe premise, taking protective measures in the age of school shootings, and ensuring school transportation is safe. A school litigation expert witness firm can attest to whether a school breached that duty in specific scenarios. For example, suppose a child incurred an injury while taking the bus to school. In that case, the school’s hiring practices and supervision training of the bus drivers will be analyzed to determine the school’s liability. Lack of supervision and negligent hiring practices of school bus drivers breach campus safety and security.

Sexual Harassment and Bullying

Schools and universities also have the responsibility to ensure their students are not faced with a hostile learning environment. When a student experiences school sexual harassment or bullying, their learning environment becomes threatening and prevents them from accessing their right to an education or other benefits and services. A school litigation expert witness from the School Liability Expert Group has the experience to determine whether an alleged action meets the criteria of bullying or sexual harassment. These experiences can lead a student to avoid attending classes, to feel unsafe on their campus, or to take harmful actions toward themselves or others. Often, it is at this stage where a parent may decide to pursue litigation against the school. A school safety expert is well-versed in all matters of campus safety and security, including preventing bullying and sexual harassment.

For boarding schools and universities that provide on-campus housing, the responsibility to prevent bullying and sexual harassment includes students residing on campus. Our school litigation expert witness firm has experience assessing school residences and determining whether the professional standard of care was met. Educational institutions may choose to hire additional campus police or security to provide further protection to students, but this can lead to issues. It’s imperative to conduct thorough hiring practices and background checks and ensure proper training for school security staff. Unfortunately, there are many instances of unwarranted police violence against children in schools, with research showing black students in most states are more likely to be arrested than their peers. This discriminatory treatment can be considered harassment, and a school litigation expert witness could determine an organization to be held liable for this behavior.

Special Education Programs and Services

In addition to school safety experts, the School Liability Expert Group has specialists in special education. Campus safety and security are important for all students, but students with disabilities may need further assistance to be safe and progress in school at the same rate as their peers. Examples of special education services include behavior supports and interventions, inclusive education practices, literacy or math resources for students with disabilities, and assistive technology. When substantive or procedural issues related to special education arise, a school litigation expert witness firm can be called in to evaluate program quality and compliance, as well as child’s IEP and behavior plans to ensure appropriate supervision and safety.

Moreover, special education programs must be aware of the increased vulnerabilities of the student populations they serve. For example, there is a higher risk of abuse of children with disabilities in residential facilities. It’s vital to provide adequate training for special education services staff to prevent abuse and sexual abuse of children with disabilities. A school safety expert from the School Liability Expert Group can make recommendations on program compliance and quality, especially concerning student supervision and care as well as campus safety and security for more vulnerable students. Often, a school litigation expert witness may be called in to determine whether a program met the professional standard of care.

School and Agency Administration and Management

School Liability Expert Group also assists in litigation matters related to school and agency personnel issues. This includes hiring, screening, and supervision practices and procedures. Our expert witness can provide a report or testimony assessing the school and agency management systems and evaluate program quality and compliance. Our education experts understand the professional standard of care for school and agency management issues, and we are able to attest to whether or not that standard was met.

Contact Us Today

For prompt, reliable school litigation expert witness services, schedule a free consultation with the School Liability Expert Group for prompt, reliable school litigation expert witness services. We look forward to working with you on education-related litigation. Book a call now.