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Sat - Sun: Closed

School Liability and Education Expert Witness Services

School Liability Expert Group provides highly individualized, prompt, and thorough consultations and expert witness services to attorneys, schools, parents, and other child- and youth-focused organizations in child education and safety liability matters. We have worked with hundreds of law firms across the United States and Canada, delivering expert case reviews and analysis, expert trial and deposition testimonies, and comprehensive case reports for both plaintiff and defendant attorneys. As a firm, we can handle complex and high-profile cases and meet short deadlines. Our court-qualified experts have diversified experience — having done a little of everything in education administration and supervision. We can afford the continued training of our experts. Contact us today to discuss how our education expert witness team can best assist with your case.

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Featured Clients

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Highly Personalized Service

When you choose School Liability Expert Group, you’ll have the resources of a large law firm but the highly personalized attention and flexibility of a smaller practice.

Fast and Efficient

Combining specialized knowledge, research, and resources, our education expert witness team will promptly and thoroughly provide highly individualized consultations, analyze significant cases, and prepare high-volume reports.

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Unparalleled  Expertise

Our school liability expert witness services are second to none, having partnered with hundreds of law firms across the United States and Canada and having experience in all facets of education administration and supervision.

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Court-Qualified Experts

With our solid track record of court testimony, we provide competent, reliable service with the highest degree of professionalism.

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Nationwide Services

We can work with you wherever your issue is in the United States or Canada.


Our Education Expert Witness Services

School Liability Expert Group is here to help you with any liability matter involving a school or child- and youth-oriented agency. Our wide-ranging expert witness services include special education issues, sexual harassment, school accidents, bullying, harassment, school administration, child abuse, higher education issues, negligent hiring, supervision, training, and retention of employees, school transportation-related injuries, and more. We offer competent, prompt results to every plaintiff and defendant attorney, school, youth agency, or parent we work with. Contact us to discuss further how our school liability expert witness team can help you or your organization.

Expert Witness Services for School and Education Related Litigation
Expert Witness Services for School and Education-Related Litigation
Expert Witness Services for School and Education-Related Litigation

School Liability Expert Group provides court-qualified education expert witness services and consultations in sexual harassment, special education, child abuse, and other liability matters involving schools, colleges, daycare centers, and any agency tasked with caring for children in their custody. Our education administration and supervision specialists apply their expertise and research to review a case, determine an institution's professional standard of care, and establish the viability of a liability claim.

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Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)

When a bullied student is injured, experiences emotional distress, or engages in self-harm or suicide, it is typical for litigation requiring an education expert witness to be brought against the school. In these cases, the plaintiff we represent must prove there was a duty by the school to prevent the bullying, and the school failed in that duty. Conversely, the defendants we represent must show they are not at fault. School Liability Expert Group can examine the alleged student interactions to reveal whether the alleged actions were, or were not, bullying and whether these actions should be dealt with or should not be under the student code of conduct.

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Special Education, Due Process, and Disability Discrimination
Special Education, Due Process, and Disability Discrimination
Special Education, Due Process, and Disability Discrimination

When it comes to the education and supervision of children with disabilities, a higher professional standard of care must be met to avoid costly litigation. At School Liability Expert Group, our special education expert witness services include assisting with IEE evaluations, IEP preparations, and due process hearings. We provide school liability expert witness services to attorneys in case of active litigation, such as sexual harassment claims. We review supervision systems, program quality, and compliance for schools and agencies. We can then make recommendations to minimize the risk of litigation. Our expert witness team also offers staff training on topics such as responding to negative child behaviors or the warning signs of child abuse.

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Child Abuse in Schools, Daycares, Churches, and other Child or Youth-Oriented Organizations
Child Abuse in Schools, Daycares, Churches, and Other Child or Youth-Oriented Organizations
Child Abuse in Schools, Daycares, Churches, and Other Child or Youth-Oriented Organizations

Schools, higher education institutions, and other organizations responsible for caring for students and children must maintain a professional standard of care in line with legal requirements and industry norms to protect them from abuse and avoid lawsuits. At School Liability Expert Group, we deeply understand all anti-abuse laws and what is necessary for a compliant institution. Our education expert witness team can provide comprehensive case analysis, expert reports, and court testimony about liability. We also provide consultations, training, and presentations for institutions to uphold compliant practices.

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Personal Injury on School, Institution, or Campus
Personal Injury on School, Institution, or Campus
Personal Injury on School, Institution, or Campus

All educational institutions and child agencies must provide reasonably safe premises and supervision to protect students and children on campus, on school transportation, or off-campus institutional activities. At School Liability Expert Group, we understand what that duty and standard of care entails and provide education expert witness school services for these cases. Moreover, we can advise institutions on established standards and foreseeable risks of harm to students. These safety and security standards stem from federal and state laws and research-based best practices. Whether you need assistance instituting prevention standards or help with litigation related to child injury, our school liability expert witness team can provide the necessary guidance.

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Child Custody & School Review and Comparison
Child Custody & School Review and Comparison
Child Custody & School Review and Comparison

In child custody matters the School Liability Expert Group can help find the best school placement for a child that will ensure their safety and educational opportunities. Our education expert witness services include reviewing and comparing schools’ program quality, providing special education expert services, evaluating a school’s past and current liability issues, such as sexual harassment, and assessing overall child custody issues. We provide recommendations and solutions to any discovered school issues to prevent litigation and ensure a smooth operation.

Compliant school management requires a thorough understanding of laws relating to sexual harassment, student supervision, special education, student rights, public and private school employment, and more.

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Higher Education
Higher Education
Higher Education

Navigating liability issues in colleges and universities can be complex due to the age and large number of students, as well as the interplay of on-campus and off-campus activities. Enlist the education expert witness team at School Liability Expert Group for litigation involving students' rights violations in higher education institutions, for instance, providing sexual harassment expert witness services. For administrators, we can evaluate your institution's policies, policy dissemination, enforcement practices, complaint investigation, response, and adjudication procedures. We can also offer staff and student training on these matters and compliance with Title IX, the Clery Act, and other laws, as well as make recommendations to tighten campus security and safety.

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Protecting the rights of children with disabilities is a delicate matter that necessitates a higher standard of care. School Liability Expert Group has an unparalleled understanding of all disability laws. We offer expert witness services in cases involving special education program deficiencies, sexual harassment, discrimination, abuse, and other disability rights violations in schools, residential facilities, and other agencies. We also assist in streamlining an institution's programs to meet the unique special education and accommodation needs of children with disabilities to avoid litigation. You can also count on us for specialized staff training on safety, supervision, and compliance with relevant disability laws.

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Special Education
Special Education
Special Education

Non-existent or inadequate special education programs can deprive children with disabilities of access to free and equal education that they are entitled to by law. Work with the School Liability Expert Group in child evaluation and qualification for special education services, development of robust IEP plans, and due process hearings involving inadequate IEP provisions. Our education expert witness team helps attorneys with lawsuits involving discrimination or other special education rights violations. We also offer comprehensive reviews of special education programs and child custody matters to help schools improve their practices, avoid litigation, or help parents determine child-school fit.

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Hiring, Screening, and Supervision of School Employees
Hiring, Screening, and Supervision of School Employees
Hiring, Screening, and Supervision of School Employees

When a school negligently hires, supervises, or retains a school employee, it can result in student harm. However, employees can also be subjected to discriminatory or wrongful hiring, termination, etc. School Liability Expert Group boasts unparalleled expertise in all education administration and supervision laws, enough to offer attorneys comprehensive consultations and testimonies in employee or student rights violation cases such as sexual harassment. Institutions can engage our education expert witness team for background checks, training, and supervision of their teachers, volunteers, bus drivers, and other employees to minimize the risk of costly lawsuits.

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Student/Child Care, Supervision, & Safety
Student/Child Care, Supervision, & Safety
Student/Child Care, Supervision, & Safety

Negligent child supervision is a prevalent issue in schools and child-oriented agencies, exposing students to injuries, abuse, sexual harassment, and more and exposing schools to costly litigation. During negligent supervision litigation, our education expert witness team at School Liability Expert Group can evaluate the scope of school responsibility in a particular scenario, the foreseeability of danger, and more factors in determining if the school breached the expected standards of care and, therefore, should be held liable. Our firm consults with schools on the activity-specific professional standard of care, including adequate policies, premises and equipment maintenance, emergency response protocols, proper staff training and supervision, and more.

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Sexual Harassment / Abuse & Title IX
Sexual Harassment, Abuse, & Title IX
Sexual Harassment, Abuse, & Title IX

Sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and sexual discrimination are pressing civil rights issues that should be met with strong institutional policies for identifying, preventing, and reporting them, as well as a prompt and reasonable disciplinary and corrective response. During litigation, our education expert witness services at School Liability Expert Group include testifying whether the conduct constitutes sexual harassment or discrimination and whether the school acted appropriately in handling the matter. Our education experts can act as Title IX coordinators for institutions, helping staff and students comply with sexual non-discrimination laws.

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Section 504, ADA, Disability Accommodations, & Services
Section 504, ADA, Disability Accommodations, & Services
Section 504, ADA, Disability Accommodations, & Services

Schools and other child-oriented agencies ought to provide proper accommodations, special education services, and other provisions for children with disabilities, as well as protect them from discrimination, sexual harassment, abuse, and hostile environments by various laws. The education expert witness team at School Liability Expert Group is well-versed in all relevant disability laws and ready to help in child disability rights violations cases, including special education deficiencies, sexual harassment, and more. For parents and institutions, we assist in developing tailored and robust 504 plans, behavioral plans, IEP plans, and other disability programs. We provide specialized staff training on upholding disability programs and laws.

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Have any concerns?

Contact us

Whether you’re a plaintiff or defendant attorney, school, parent, or other child- and youth-oriented organization in need of a special education expert witness, sexual harassment expert witness, or other school liability expert witness services in the United States and Canada, School Liability Expert Group is here to help. Our services can address issues before they spiral into costly litigation. Don’t hesitate to reach out to book your free consultation.

201 S. Main Street
Building A, Suite 7
Lambertville, NJ 08530

Tel: (609) 359-0030
Office Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM EST

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Education Expert Blog on School and Agency Liability Matters


This is where we blog about prevalent liability issues in education administration and child supervision, including bullying, child abuse, hiring and supervising school employees, accidents or child injury, discrimination, and more. With our diversified and extensive experience, we empower you with the knowledge that only an education expert witness with a lifetime of experience in many facets of education can offer.

The most often-visited posts on our blog

Our Top Categories

Bullying & Harassment
A woman resisting sexual harassment by a boss
Child abuse & exploitation
A person wearing a back-printed security guard T-shirt
Campus sexual asssault
child supervision
Student Supervision & Safety
A person conducting an employee training session using a whiteboard
Supervision & Training of Employees

Need a school liability expert witness for a school matter relating to hiring, screening, supervision, accidents or child injury, bullying, harassment, special education, or evaluation of another school or agency liability matter?

Need an expert witness for any school or agency liability matter?

Contact us.

We’d like to help!

(609) 397-8989


What Our Clients Say About Our Services

The following testimonials are representative comments made by clients for whom we have provided consultation and education expert witness services. We are proud that our output speaks to our thoroughness, and we look forward to assisting you with your school or agency liability matter.

It was a pleasure working with you, and we look forward to working with you again in producing another great seminar. Congratulations on such a successful seminar!

Mary V. Nietupski, Director Continuing Legal Education

This was excellent, take this show on the road and educate the masses. “Excellent session on the whole.” “A great seminar!” “An outstanding conference with knowledgeable professionals presenting the material in an understandable manner.” (IDEA, Section 504 and ADA)

Lorman Education Services seminar attendees

We would like to thank you so very much for all that you have done for our daughter and all of us. You were here for us during a very difficult time and we are so thankful. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Veil

We just want to thank you again for all your help with our child custody issue. Thank you for the value you provided and for helping us to get past this and on with our lives. You have provided us with a wonderful service. Thanks!

Karen Majoris Sr. Manager LogOPS Process Development

Education expert witnesses from School Liability Expert Group team photo.

School Liability Expert Group provides consultation and expert witness services to plaintiff and defendant attorneys throughout the United States and Canada. Whether you’re handling special education, sexual harassment, or other school liability litigation, our court-qualified education administration and supervision experts apply their experience, education, and training to the review and analysis of cases to determine the activity-specific professional standard of care in schools, colleges, daycare centers, and other agencies responsible for supervising and caring for children in their custody. Our team will assist you from case inception to resolution, providing in-depth case analysis, expert reports, and reliable deposition and trial testimony.


Our education expert witness team often reviews school or agency management systems, program quality, and compliance. We also provide staff training and can make recommendations to help an institution operate more effectively and efficiently and minimize the risk of litigation.


At a parent’s request, our school liability expert witness team will review student records, assess current and potential school placement, and evaluate program quality. Our education expert witness team often investigates special education services, past and present liability issues such as sexual harassment and bullying, and overall child custody matters at a school or agency. We also help parents resolve concerns affecting their child’s safety or education in an institution.


The following are questions commonly asked by our clients.

1. What is the difference between a witness and an expert witness?

In litigation, a lay witness can testify only about what they perceive without providing interpretations, speculations, or conclusions. Conversely, an expert witness is someone with scientific, technical, or specialized knowledge who can help the court understand complex issues in a case. For instance, higher education experts can act as witnesses to help decode intricate topics such as the Clery Act and Title IX matters and the reasonable professional standard of care in these institutions.

2. Who qualifies a witness as an expert?

Attorneys often vet and present their expert witnesses during litigation. However, courts are responsible for establishing and recognizing an expert witness for a particular case. They accomplish this through cross-examination using legal standards such as Rule 702, voir dire questioning by the opposing counsel, and other assessments to ensure the witness has the right experience, knowledge, education, training, or skill to offer expert testimony.

3. What do lawyers look for in an expert witness?

Many attorneys look for experts who can bring more credibility to their case, helping strengthen their evidence or effectively challenge the opposing counsel. Most important are strong qualifications relevant to an issue in the case. For a student expert witness, many attorneys prioritize the proper education (Ed.D) and training, as well as an expert with sufficient experience in the position of school principal, teacher, coach, or other personnel directly relevant to the case issue. For instance, for a sexual discrimination expert witness, experience as an institution’s Title IX coordinator is more practical. Other key considerations when choosing an expert witness include objectivity, effective communication, professional integrity, and a solid court testimony track record.

Have more questions? Contact us to learn more.