Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM EST

Sat - Sun: Closed

A gavel on a white surface.


At the School Liability Expert Group, we provide expert witness and consultation services tailored to the unique needs of plaintiff and defense attorneys, parents, schools, and child- and youth-focused agencies across the United States and Canada. Our team consists of court-qualified experts in education administration and supervision with extensive experience in a wide range of school and agency-related matters. Our areas of expertise include personnel hiring, screening, and supervision; accident and child injury cases; sexual abuse and harassment; special education programs and services; and school evaluations in custody disputes.

We invite you to explore our Education Expert Blog, where we share invaluable insights gained from years of experience in the education administration field. We have provided consultation and expert witness services to hundreds of law firms across the US and Canada, including but not limited to case review and analysis, expert testimony in court, and comprehensive expert reports.

Schools and child and youth oriented agencies have sought our help in reviewing and improving their administration system to meet the industry’s professional standards and prevent litigation issues. We offer staff training presentations on safety and compliance topics. Additionally, parents have enlisted our help in special education due process matters, and school reviews in child custody matters, in order to find the best school placements for their children.

Whether you are an attorney, school, agency, parent, or someone interested in education liability matters, our education expert blog is your go-to resource for understanding changes in education law, children and youth rights, and other topics related to education. Our expertise in this specialized field is unmatched, and we take pride in the processes we have developed. 

Our blog provides insights on applicable standards and duty and obtain expert opinions,and case studies on critical issues in education administration and supervision, including but not limited to school shootings, sexual assault, school accidents, bullying, harassment, student violence, student discipline, child supervision, and safety, staff hiring and supervision, school management, school equipment maintenance, school transportation-related injuries, and more. Explore our blog today!

Public K-12 school districts, colleges, universities, and other educational institutions receiving public funds must operate their education programs and activities in a nondiscriminatory manner, free from discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity (Office for Civil Rights [OCR], 2021b). Since the new Title IX rule, known as the...

Children with disabilities in residential and therapeutic facilities are among those who are most vulnerable to abuse and other forms of harm. Protecting the safety of children and the facilities where they reside from costly litigation is achievable through proper policies, training, supervision of staff and students, and continued proactive...

Removing police from schools has been part of the Black Lives Matter movement for years. Research shows that schools with a police presence are more likely to refer children to law enforcement, even for non-serious behaviors. According to the Education Week Research Center, black students in most states are more...

Expert witnesses are often pivotal in helping plaintiff and defendant attorneys present compelling evidence or effectively rebut the opposition’s claims during liability cases brought against schools and other child—and youth-oriented agencies. Courts rely on experts to decode complex child education, supervision, and safety information. Therefore, expert witness qualifications and testimony...

Expert witness testimony admissibility disputes in court are an inherent possibility. Rule 702 is the base standard for testimony scrutiny, so plaintiff and defendant attorneys should clearly understand its criteria and nuances to suitably apply it to build their case, counter the opposition, or challenge incorrect applications of the rule. Let...

Many attorneys acknowledge the importance of expert witness testimonies in shaping litigation outcomes. Still, the quality of the chosen expert and testimony methodologies will significantly influence admissibility processes during deposition and trial. Since state courts usually have their preferred standard for testimony scrutiny, exercise their legal discretions, and apply their interpretations,...

When handling lawsuits brought against schools and other child- and youth-oriented organizations on grounds of negligence, discrimination, bullying, abuse, student injury, disability matters, and other student or employee rights violations, plaintiff and defendant attorneys should prioritize enlisting expert witnesses whose qualifications and testimony can withstand the scrutiny of the opposing...

All colleges and universities owe some level of care and have a duty to keep students reasonably safe while attending school and residing on campus. Colleges and universities have to plan and take proactive initiatives to minimize the incidence of violent crimes and student injury and harm resulting from college...

In the field of education administration and student supervision, the current professional standard of care related to prevention, detection, investigation, and remediation of child sexual abuse and harassment is the result of a cumulative progression of events and cultural changes over several decades. This includes standards for maintaining appropriate policies,...

Schools have a duty to protect students, faculty, and staff from harm arising from acts of violence, such as school shootings, when the harm is reasonably foreseeable. However, schools are not built like fortresses, nor should they be. It is not the latest security technology, metal detectors, or an indoor...

Part 1 of this series provided a general overview of the Title IX Amendments of 2020 (the new Title IX rule or the Final Rule), how they differ from previous amendments, a definition of sexual harassment, the role of the Title IX coordinator, and who should report allegations of sexual...