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Articles & News about School Liability

Ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of children is paramount. School Liability Expert Group is an expert witness and consultation company that offers reliable and individualized services to plaintiff and defendant attorneys, parents, schools, and other child and youth-oriented agencies throughout the United States and Canada. Our team comprises court-qualified education administration and supervision experts with diversified experience in school and agency matters. Our specialties include personnel hiring, screening, and supervision; accidents and child injury; sexual abuse and harassment; special education programs and services; and school evaluation in custody matters.

We invite you to explore our education expert blog where we share a wealth of knowledge accumulated over several years of extensive work in the education liability field. We have worked with hundreds of law firms reviewing and analyzing cases, providing expert testimonies in courts, and compiling comprehensive reports.

Schools and agencies have sought our help in reviewing and refining their management systems to meet the industry’s best professional standards of care and prevent litigation issues. We have conducted staff training and presentations on safety and compliance matters. Parents have enlisted our help in reviewing schools’ special education and child custody matters, finding the best school placements for their children, and initiating lawsuits against agencies.

Whether you are an attorney, school, agency, parent, or simply interested in education liability matters, our education expert blog is your ultimate resource for understanding education law changes, children and youth rights, and other relevant news. Our knowledge and expertise in this unique industry are unparalleled and we take pride in the processes we have developed.

Discover expert opinions, insights, and case studies on issues prevalent in the field of education administration and supervision, including school shootings, sexual assault, school accidents, bullying, harassment, student violence, student discipline, child supervision, and safety, staff hiring and supervision, school management, school equipment maintenance, school transportation-related injuries, and more. Explore our blog today!

In settings where children are supervised by adults, we often think about traditional settings, such as schools and summer camps. But these are not the only places where children participate in activities that require adult supervision and which can result in child injury cases. Some nontraditional settings include resort and...

For schools, summer camps, and day care centers, one of the key functions of student supervision is to identify dangerous conditions and then either stop the activity or warn of the danger. The supervisor must take appropriate action for the protection of the children. Duty to warn contemplates both having...

Keeping children safe in schools, preschool and daycare programs, summer camps, on playgrounds, and other locations is a primary responsibility of those who administer such programs. When a child becomes injured and the claim is negligent supervision, a school or other agency will have a greater chance of prevailing when...

Employment decisions in public and private schools should be based on qualifications, performance, merit, and seniority, rather than race, national origin, gender, religion, age, or disability. Teachers and other school personnel can sue for employment discrimination if they are wrongfully dismissed or demoted, if they were prevented from initially obtaining...

When child abuse is alleged to have taken place in a school, daycare facility, preschool program, summer camp, or other entity responsible for the supervision and safety of children, there is always the possibility that the entity may be liable if negligence can be established. Schools and other entities with...

School coaches have a duty to protect athletes from harm, including emotional or physical harm that may result from locker room hazing. High school hazing in athletics has many beginnings — the most prominent being an attitude of superiority among senior athletes and the belief that a weaker or younger...

When a student personal injury in a public school triggers litigation, plaintiff and defendant attorneys must address the concept of governmental immunity. In general, governmental immunity shields public schools from tort litigation and liability. Governmental immunity is not universally applicable, however, depending on how the facts of a specific case...

Millions of children participate in programs operated by daycare centers, nursery schools, and camps across the United States and Canada. The most important aspect of childcare is the safety and supervision of children. When a teacher, recreation leader, camp counselor, or other supervisor is engaged in activities involving young children,...

In 2011, the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) issued a “Dear Colleague” letter to college and university administrators about implementation of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 in regards to campus sexual assault cases. Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in...

Harassment in schools can occur when a student is discriminated against on the basis of national origin, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender, or other identifiable class. A school district may be found liable for harassment if there is no strong, widely disseminated, and consistently enforced policy prohibiting it and...

The relationship between private schools and their students is very different than the one that exists when a student is in a public school. In private schools, the relationship is contractual in nature. The contract is expressed or implied in written documents, such as promotional literature, student applications, and student...