Students with disabilities and special needs are at higher risk of experiencing discrimination, harassment, and other forms of harm at school. In supervising and caring for them, schools and other child- and youth-oriented organizations must uphold a professional standard of care beyond the general student population to remain compliant with state and federal disability laws and minimize the risk of disabled students’ rights violation lawsuits. Engage an IDEA expert witness or any other disability expert witness at School Liability Expert Group, a firm uniquely positioned to assist parents, plaintiff and defense attorneys, schools, and other agencies in cases of student disability discrimination and special education services compliance.
What is Disability Discrimination?
Disability discrimination, particularly in schools and child-oriented agencies, entails any conduct from staff or other children that deprives children with disabilities equal access to education, athletics, scholarships, and other opportunities. Discrimination also occurs in the form of bullying, harassment, intimidation, hazing, unfair disciplinary action, negligent supervision, and sexual abuse of children with disabilities. Failure to provide proper special education programs, disability accommodations, accessibility facilities, and other reasonable disability provisions also violates disabled students’ rights as it deters them from reaping the full benefits of their education. In disability discrimination litigation, a disability expert witness will be in a much better position to answer the question of “ what is disability discrimination?” and help clear any disputes and gray areas, as not everything that seems so qualifies as discrimination.
Disability Laws
The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), Americans with Disabilities (ADA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibit disability discrimination and entitle children with disabilities to free and fair public education and other disability provisions. Our disability expert witness team includes an IDEA expert witness and other education experts with unparalleled expertise in disabled students’ rights and special education matters. Our special education services include helping schools and parents develop special education programs. We offer IEP evaluations and support them during due process hearings to ensure adequate IEP provisions and disability accommodations. Additionally, we can assist with 504 plans, behavioral plans, and other disability programs tailored to unique child needs in accordance with the laws.
School Liability in Disability Matters
Schools should aim to continuously improve their special education programs and their practices for protecting disabled students’ rights. Schools and agencies that do not identify, evaluate, and qualify children with disabilities for disability provisions and special education services or fail to adequately prevent discrimination or promptly address reports of disability discrimination may be found liable for negligence.
Our disability expert witness team includes an IDEA expert witness and other education experts who can conduct a thorough school or agency program quality evaluation for compliance with disability laws. We can recommend more efficient and effective oversight, policies, and operations to minimize litigation risks. We can train staff on compliance with state and federal laws for children with disabilities and appropriate child supervision measures.
Our special education services include thorough evaluations of school special education programs, as well as general child custody matters. We help parents find their children’s school placement and navigate and initiate disabled students’ rights violation cases against institutions.
Disability Expert Witness Services
Besides helping parents and schools, our IDEA expert witness and other disability experts at School Liability Expert Group provide consultations and expert witness services, including expert testimonies and comprehensive reports to plaintiff and defense attorneys in matters such as IEP due process hearings and student disability discrimination lawsuits. Our court-qualified team has worked with hundreds of law firms throughout the United States and Canada, delivering prompt, individualized, and comprehensive services. Our disability expert witness team is well-versed in matters including but not limited to abuse of children with disabilities in residential facilities, individualized education evaluations and programs, student injury liability for children with disabilities, disability discrimination and harassment, and negligent supervision of children with disabilities. Book a call today to talk with a disability expert witness about your case.